
List of all Currently Published Works

 Here is a list of everything I can find that I have written and published so far. I already know I need to find some of my old articles.  So this list is not complete just what I found on short notice. Modern War #5 Drive on Pyongyang: Battlefield Korea.  I do a side bar on Page 19. In addition Gen Walton Harris Walker and the Defense of Pusan #7 The Venezuelan Army Today #16 Visegrad: The Coming War in Eastern Europe Strategy and Tactics #256 Gerald Bull and His 'Supercannon' #272 The Mau Mau Uprising #282 ABDA Command Against the Odds Magazine #26 The Seven Weeks War #31 The Battle of Navarino (The Navy Battle) #33 The Battle of Loos #37 A Matter of Deception: The Suez Crisis #46 Struggling Towards a New Combat Results Table 2014 Annual Africa Orientale Italiana: The Campaign for East Africa World at War #9 The Fairey Swordfish #10 Eggheads at War: Operations Research in WW2 #11 HMS Li Wo #14 The Liberty Ships #15 Doublecross: The War Between MI5 and German Intelligence #17

Hey! This thing is still on?!

 Well people want to see my writing.  And I was going through a bunch of website designers and thought to myself hey instead of making a new fancy site, lets see if this thing is still here.  And it was. So write now I am currently on two major writing projects.  I have a Novella with the title returned to life and I have a book working titled the Hidden World: The Great War. Watch this video here for all the deets!
A tale of woe from Detroit, once again we see how Government isn’t the answer, but of course we have to let them do the job, so they wreck the landscape. articles/342267/battling- blight-detroit-jillian-kay- melchior?pg=1 “Previous public-sector efforts have failed because of “this continual belief by government that they know how to do every little thing [better] than people who specialize in it,” Pulte says. “They think they can do things better, and they can’t. The blight in Detroit is a [symptom] of the government’s not being able to perform in any way, shape, or form. [Fortunately], that’s not the way that Mayor Bing views this problem.”” WOW!  GEE YOU THINK!!! So basically I keep hearing if only Obama knew, that these travesties were happening, clearly he would stop it?  In the following piece Victor Davis Hansen suggests that not only does the President know, hes the instigator.  I mean it makes sense, people will take their cue
So I didn’t get a chance to add to my blog yesterday.  Oh well, you just will get even more! Waste in the US Government.  I know!  Right how could that possibly be true? articles/341918/gullible- nation-mona-charen Or even better yet, lets cut wasteful spending?  Or at least take the 45 billion lying around money and put it to work.  Yeah I wish I had 45 billion in loose change don’t you? articles/341937/chop-federal- fat-not-bone-deroy-murdock And then people wonder why parents home school? articles/341950/rotten-core- michelle-malkin Woah!!! “ In fact, dissemination of the lessons was considered a crime until earlier this month. Only after parents and teachers across the state blew the whistle on radical CSCOPE lesson plans (including designing a new flag for a socialist lesson) did the state take steps to rein in the CSCOPE zealots.” And a mixed bag Today, S
OMG!  People are actually reading this stuff!  3 whole page views! Someone has finally described the Obama Presidency in terms I can understand. president-barack-obama- electoral-munchkin/ He and his team basically created a huge exploit system that we are just beginning to understand, and will in the future be copied by politicians and campaign managers for years to come.  The problem really was because Obama was black, we ignored the results of his first campaign.  We thought that all the events and such were tied up with the moment.  The first black nominee, the Bush years, the market crash, McCain was to nice.  The Republicans  really ignored what was happening, and basically got there ass kicked under Romney.  It certainly did not help that the Romney team ran one of the worst campaigns since Bob Dole.  So anyways if you want to know why were going from one crisis to the next in the US, and it’s a perpetual campaign, its because Obama
Taxation the Peoples Business Or as I like to say, Taxation: how do we get the best deal. It always strikes me as ironic that those demanding the highest taxes, are usually the ones who most likely to be screwed by them. John Maynard Keynes wrote that “25 percent taxation is about the limit of what is easily borne” and that “Aggressive taxation may defeat its own ends by diminishing the income to be taxed.” As you raise taxes you get less money. The above article brings important quotes, "You don’t have to be a Marxist political economist to observe that Obama is trying to impose a big tax increase on a lot of people who didn’t vote for him. At least those rich people got to vote, which is more than can be said for the colonists. But there’s something ugly about the whole thing." I should also note this is how democracies are destroyed historically.  Not by rampaging invaders, but by
My friend the Men In Black, had this to share, Very important to know your Special Operations Forces, an example, "You fart and others hear it, smell it, and the TMO representative smells your butt to make sure you really did it AND that you didn't eat the expensive chili to cause it -- that's OVERSIGHT."